Saturday, May 29, 2010


As mime student I joined Jogesh Mime Academy 1982,completed 5years course at the year of 1987,I applied for a two years degree course to have an extensive training under Marcel Marceau,the celebrated Mimeist of the world today, got a chance but could not joint the degree course due to adverse financial condition .Also I passed B.A from kolkata university.Done workshop mime with Marsel Marceu(France).Attached Mime 27+years & performing stage show 25+years in India & out of India. I have Also been engaged in some experimental work to find out the relation between the mime & Dance for some years and have trying to visualise the themas content of a poem through Mime. Experiments in this regard have been proven worth mentioning an have successfully implemented the art of Mime and its vitality in some theatre production. All most 16 years I working with Deaf & Dumb student.And this students participating different programme in India.They are coming from very poor family. I want to do something for them. But I am helpless, nobody could not me for their progress. I want help from public, whose want to do some progressive work for back word deaf & dumb student. My ambition is spreading Mime art allover World.